Tuesday, March 18, 2008

PC Building Tools and Tips

tools imgDo you build and maintain PC systems? ExtremeTech gives us great tips, and shares what tools of the trade we should have in our handy-dandy toolbox.

"The key to keeping a system healthy is periodic maintenance, just as you would with any mechanical device. Keep it running cool, use the right software tools to monitor your system's health and when your system starts behaving oddly, take action immediately. Having great tools makes life much easier, but you also need to know how to use them-and perhaps even more importantly, when." [ExtremeTech | Tips and Tools for PC Building]

Discussed are pre-build preparation, tools for assembly, software tools, and post assembly. One great tool kit I saw was the ATX Control Kit, that includes switches, LEDs, and a piezoelectric beeper you can plug into your motherboard's power switch pin block. With this kit, you can test the system first before you actually put it inside the case.

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