Thursday, November 22, 2007

Overclocking with ASUS P5E3 Deluxe Mobo and DDR3

p5e3 imgAnandTech overclocks an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 using an ASUS P5E3 Deluxe motherboard and DDR3 memory.

"The more time we spend working with DDR3, the more we understand its potential benefits. After spending a week working with memory speeds in excess of 1.8GHz, we find ourselves wondering how we can ever possibly go back to DDR2. Of course, that only lasts until we check our bank accounts. Even though our results may not be enough to truly substantiate such an expensive purchase, we're confident prices will soon begin their decent and DDR3 will eventually find a home in every enthusiast's system. Additionally, while we would like to see a larger performance gain moving from DDR2 to DDR3, as with most top-bin hardware the margin between first and second place is hardly a whisper. Given time to fully mature, DDR3 will become the new de-facto standard in high-performance memory and is something we look forward to, once the costs are no longer prohibitive." [AnandTech | ASUS P5E3 Deluxe Overclocking: DDR3 Takes Front Stage]

If you are upgrading, and an early adopter, the X38 (or X48) chipset and DDR3 memory combo would probably be your latest dream setup. You just have to be prepared to shell out a serious amount of funds to do so. For everybody else, the P35 and DDR2 route is still a good option. For now.

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